KumbiaPHP beta2-dev
Framework PHP en español
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00001 <?php
00022 class ModelAuth implements AuthInterface
00023 {
00029     private $filename;
00035     private $server;
00041     private $username;
00047     private $password;
00051     private $compare_attributes = array();
00055     private $identity = array();
00062     public function __construct ($auth, $extra_args)
00063     {
00064         foreach (array('class') as $param) {
00065             if (isset($extra_args[$param])) {
00066                 $this->$param = $extra_args[$param];
00067             } else {
00068                 throw new KumbiaException("Debe especificar el parámetro '$param' en los parámetros");
00069             }
00070         }
00071         unset($extra_args[0]);
00072         unset($extra_args['class']);
00073         $this->compare_attributes = $extra_args;
00074     }
00079     public function get_identity ()
00080     {        
00081         return $this->identity;
00082     }
00088     public function authenticate ()
00089     {
00090         $where_condition = array();
00091         foreach ($this->compare_attributes as $field => $value) {
00092             $value = addslashes($value);
00093             $where_condition[] = "$field = '$value'";
00094         }
00095         $result = Load::model($this->class)->count(join(" AND ", $where_condition));
00096         if ($result) {
00097             $model = ActiveRecord::get($this->class)->find_first(join(" AND ", $where_condition));
00098             $identity = array();
00099             foreach ($model->fields as $field) {
00103                 if (! in_array($field, array('password' , 'clave' , 'contrasena' , 'passwd' , 'pass'))) {
00104                     $identity[$field] = $model->$field;
00105                 }
00106             }
00107             $this->identity = $identity;
00108         }
00109         return $result;
00110     }
00116     public function set_params ($extra_args)
00117     {
00118         foreach (array('server' , 'secret' , 'principal' , 'password' , 'port' , 'max_retries') as $param) {
00119             if (isset($extra_args[$param])) {
00120                 $this->$param = $extra_args[$param];
00121             }
00122         }
00123     }
00124 }
 Todo Estructuras de Datos Namespaces Archivos Funciones Variables Enumeraciones